How it all began…
Our story is really God’s story. The remarkable thread through it all is the power of God to provide and accomplish His purposes by working through everyday people!
In 2013 God stirred in the hearts of a number of worship leaders to begin meeting to encourage and strengthen each other. The following year, we held our first every Declare worship rally (photo above) in Troy, Ohio. A number of churches throughout the community united publicly to declare the glory of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The media didn’t come. The music wasn’t even that great. But a vision was birthed—the people of God uniting and rallying together to see Jesus lifted up, believing in faith that a community would be transformed.
As we prayed through what we should name that first event, God led us to Psalm 96:3: “Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples.” This vision seemed lofty and unattainable at the time, but we took God at His Word and trusted that if we continued to follow Him, He would continue to bless and multiply.
That is exactly what He has done!
We are humbled that God has now spread this vision to communities all across the Miami Valley and Ohio, and are still praying that God may use us to help others among the nations unite to declare the glory of God in their community.
We don’t believe it was an accident that God began this journey around the simple call of worshiping Him. He must always remain our focus and greatest joy! As relationships have deepened God has also matured our mission. We continue to deeply value the united worship rallies, and through the relationships that have been fostered have found tremendous opportunities for churches to serve their communities together to see them transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.
Today, Declare is a platform for the body of Christ across a community to actually begin functioning as His body. With pastors and leaders meeting and building relationships, equipping every believer to pray for the transformation of their communities and be a testimony in their neighborhoods. It is partnerships with community leadership to serve together throughout the year and gathering to publicly declare the glory of God and the Good News—that the Kingdom of God will be revealed and every person will have the opportunity to say yes to Jesus Christ!
We praise God for the journey this has been so far, and we look forward with great anticipation to what He has in store for the future. We hope you will join us for the adventure. Declare is Every Church, for Every Community, For God’s Glory. This requires Every Believer stepping forward to embrace their unique gifting and calling in God’s body. Together, we can declare the glory of God in every community in every nation!